
Thursday, March 24, 2005


Isaiah 5:20 (ESV)
20Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

March 23, 2005, 11:13PM
Appeals court halts man's execution
Inmate's lawyers argued that jury instructions were unclear

By MICHAEL GRACZYK Associated Press
HUNTSVILLE - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals stopped the scheduled execution of a Colorado man Wednesday about five hours before he could have been put to death.

Shame on us! What is going on with this country when we have more sympathy and care for the criminals and for animals than we do for "The least of these"? On the very same day that the Supreme Court decides that they will not even listen to the case of Terri Schindler-Schiavo, a convicted murderer gets a stay of execution. We bend over backwards for those that prey upon the weak, while we turn our backs on those very same weak.
I keep hearing from these Liberal pundits that Terri will not feel any pain. They say that when food and drink is kept from someone, they enter into a state of euphoria. What???
If this is the case, then lets start putting those on Death Row to death by denying them food and drink. It couldn't get any more humane. Imagine, entering into eternity in a state of euphoria instead of that cruel needle. Yea, why did we not think of this sooner.
Also, when our pets get injured or sick, lets starve them. PETA has been looking for an answer like this.
Maybe we should re-think Hitler. Sure, his Death Camps put to death Millions, but a large number died of thirst and hunger. What a caring Dictator he was!
Seriously, God will not bless a nation that treats their sick and weak like this. I am physically ill just thinking of this poor woman slowly, painfully dying. Starving to death in the most plentiful nation on the planet.
The only comfort in all of this is the knowledge that God is still on the throne. He will take care of His daughter, one way or another.
Our prayers our with Terri and her family.
God bless you Terri!!

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