
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Not Again

Sadly, there was another shooting today. That makes two in as many weeks. We not only have foreign terrorists, we have them living among us. What we don't hear about are the many planned school shootings that have been stopped by someone taking that bold step to speak the truth in love. Both of the recent school shooters were dressed all in black, a common theme. I fear we will soon find out that they also share something in common with prior school shooters, Heavy Metal Music. Please take a minute to read about these shootings Here and by Clicking Here

Also, you may be interested in a series that Plugged In (Focus on the Family) is currently running. You can read it Here

When we see our children involved in the Heavy Metal world they are giving us a loud cry for help. We need to answer that plead before they get the answer from Slipknot or Slayer.

Will all kids that listen to Death Metal kill or commit suicide? Of course not. But can we take the chance? It is an old cliche, but What Would Jesus Do? Please be in prayer for the victims of todays shooting.

I welcome any discussion or comments.

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