
Saturday, September 03, 2005


Why, why did it take so long for help to go to those devastated by hurricane Katrina? Why did the National Guard not help people evacuate before she hit? Why does our "Christian" President call what happened an act of Mother Nature? Why did he wait 4 days after Katrina hit to tour the destruction and start sending help? Would the response have been so slow if it would have happened in his brother's state of Florida or in his own state of Texas? Why was he playing golf instead of evacuating people that had no way of getting out?
I have long been a supporter of President Bush, but lately I am seeing things that make me concerned. I will have more to say on this later.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Desire Heaven or Despise Hell?

As I drove into work today the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. He awoke me to the fact that not all that claim to be Christian do so because they desire to be with their Heavenly Father for all eternity. No, if this were so they would want to spend as much time as possible with Him during their time here. They would not regulate time with Him to an hour or two a week, it that. They would want to get into His Word everyday. They would not put aside the things of God until they have a problem or need. He would be number 1. But sadly, this is not what we see. We see those that claim they want to go to Heaven spend almost no time with their Father. They may like to be entertained by Christianity, but that's as far as it goes. They boasts that they have all the hottest Christian music group's videos and CD's. They love to laugh at the funny Christian comedian. They search out the church with the best music and theatrical productions. But when it comes to really knowing their Savior, that is just for fanatics. The Bible is old and boring. Sure, it may have been relevant two or three thousand years ago, but this is the 21st Century.
Do the majority of those that take upon themselves the name of Christian really want to be with Christ for all eternity. I fear the answer to that is clear. We study and research where we will spend a few days for vacation. We learn about all the attractions. We learn the history. We plan and save and think about it for months. But when it comes to where we will spend eternity, most of us barely give it a second thought.
Do most that say they want to go to Heaven really want that? Once again, the answer is painfully clear. Most "Christians" do not desire an eternity with their Creator. They just don't like the alternative. I pray we all search our hearts and see where we stand. Do you Desire Heaven, or is it just Hell that you despise?