
Thursday, June 09, 2005

Monday Morning Christians

First off, I am sorry I have not posted in so long. I have been busy with my job and most importantly, our newborn blessing. I have written about our persecution at the hands of our own family members. You know the story, I don't have to go into it.
Sitting in Church a feeling came over me. I'm sure it was the Holy Spirit. He is sooooooo awesome!! Anyway, He led me to realize that the Church is filled with those that wave their arms and sing praises to our Lord on Sunday and then do nothing the other six days of the week. They feel as if they do not have to get in the game. They are comfortable with their positions as bench warmers. They feel that it would make no sense for them to get on the field and risk ridicule and injury when others can do it. Those on the field lay it all on the line. However, to the bench warming Christians, the entire team gets the ring if they win it all.
When things start to heat up, instead of suiting up, they become ostriches. Ray Comfort has said that nothing wastes your time more than a false convert. He is right. Those that believe they can do-as-thou-wilt and still have a ticket to Heaven are sadly mistaken. They do not want to get their hands dirty in the battle for souls. We need to support each other as Believers. It is hard enough to witness to someone, we do not need "Christians" telling us that we "Come on too strong" when all we are doing is talking to someone about their eternal life. How sad that it is said that Christians "Come on too strong" or that we "Cram it down their throats" when it is perfectly okay for them to use foul language, talk about the awesome dirty movie they saw, etc... and we are to say nothing about it.
I am just venting. I will try to be more consistent in my posting. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
God Bless!!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I am so thankful for your willingness to be used by God and to stand for Him even when it is not pleasant. I love you!