
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Vicious Circle

Well, they said it could and would not happen again. We have monuments to honor the dead. Thousand of our Soldiers gave their lives to put an end to it so that future generations would not have to suffer. Sadly, it is starting again. Well, it has actually been going on for decades thanks to our Godless Supreme Court. It began when they said it was Okay for mothers to take the lives of our most innocent. They said it was the "woman's" body. Strange, but the body I see butchered appears to be a babies, not the "woman's". Now, we are to the point where the handicapped are expendable. So much so that we do not even afford them the courtesy given to mass murderers.
In Colorado yesterday, a cold blooded killer and rapist had his death penalty overturned. Why? Is it because he did not do the crime? Was some DNA evidence found to exonerate him? No, it was because a juror had brought in the hateful, detestable Word of God into the juror room. She did not use it to persuade others to vote the death penalty. No, that had already been done. She used it to comfort another juror after the vote was taken. Still, we cannot have that. Not in America. Of course, witnesses do have to swear upon the Bible in the courtroom, but I'm sure that will soon be replaced with Mein Kampf.
How far we have fallen as a nation. Even those that have made untold millions with their heart-wrenching portrayals of the Holocaust in movies seem strangely absent in light of the reality of today's moral decay. There are a few shining lights in Hollywood. Those not afraid to speak their minds. Those not concerned that speaking up for those that cannot speak for themselves may cost them the praise of men.
One of those has been Mel Gibson. We may not all agree with all he stands for. But one thing is sure. He is not ashamed of the Gospel. He is not ashamed to speak out against unrighteousness.
Here is what he had to say about America's latest trip down the slippery slope:
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:05 p.m. EST
Reprinted from
Mel Gibson: Terri's Killing Is 'Murder'
In his strongest comments yet on the Terri Schiavo case, actor Mel Gibson calls her killing "nothing more than state sanctioned murder.

The actor and director spoke out Wednesday night in a telephone interview with Fox News Sean Hannity.
"I heard their cry for help, Gibson explained his public comments. Gibson insisted that Terri Schiavo is not in a vegetative state.
Gibson said he decided to take a public stand because "it is completely wrong to deprive this poor woman from food and water.
He added that the court ordered method of killing depriving her of basic sustenance -- "is a prolonged and cruel execution.
Gibson said he is closely following the case and is astounded by the developments.
"I just sit here watching this whole scenario play out in front of me with my mouth wide open, that our country has come to this, he said, adding, "I think its a really black day.
The actor offered little hope for Terri Schiavo at this point, describing the appeals as "a little too little too late.
"Its nothing more than state sanctioned murder, Gibson continued.
He was also disturbed that a local Florida judge was given the unquestioned power to sentence Schiavo to death.
"All the big guys, they've got their hands tied by some tin-horned judge down there, he said. "Common, when they want to whip a judge they got no problem getting Judge Moore in a heart beat.
"It's so wrong and I watch it, appalled and stunned, that we have gotten to this.

Please pray for this country. Pray and speak out for those that cannot do so on their own. My heart is breaking for Terri's family and for her.


Monica said...

My heart too breaks for them. Thank you for posting this. Thankfully, she no longer has to suffer at the hands of her "husband" and of this court system.

Monica said...

I hope you post again soon!