
Monday, June 20, 2005

Slipknot & Prager

Okay, I heard an awful display of ignorance this morning on the Dennis Prager Show. Mr. Prager is a Jewish man that has a national radio show. He is sympathetic to the Christian faith, and at times appears ready to become a Messianic Believer. However, on his show this morning he was touting a Heavy Metal group that his son loves. Mr. Prager sees nothing harmful with allowing his son to listen to Slipknot. Mr. Prager even declared that when teenagers listen to Classical music it makes them aggressive, but Heavy Metal has a calming effect on them. What?! Of course, he had nothing to back up this ignorant statement. Please email Mr. Prager and voice your opinion on this issue. I suggest he do a show and invite someone knowledgeable on this issue. A couple of ideas would be Pastor Joe Schimmel
or Eric Holmberg
Your can contact Dennis Prager @
God Bless!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Thank you for alerting us to this! It is very sad when people give praise to such music as though it has no harm or effect on our youth!