
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Response To Josh

This is my response to Josh who left comments on my post. I will attempt to answer all his thoughts point-by-point.I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond, but I just viewed your comments yesterday.
I am glad that you share my faith Josh. We can debate issues as brothers in Christ. You claim that I stated that I am not judging my family. Where did I claim that? In fact, we are commanded in scripture to judge.
1 Corinthians 6:2-3 (New International Version)
2Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!
Next you point out that I am one-sided and that I am posting for all to see. Well, I am sorry, but a BLOG is one-sided. That is the nature of a BLOG. As for all to see, I never mentioned any names. Not even my name is posted. There is no way anyone will know who I am speaking of. I am not even attacking them to people I know. You miss the point. I believe you need to take it up with those involved, not gossip behind their backs. However, that is precisely what they are doing to my wife and myself.
Now, you say that I went out of my way to point out my nephews appearance. Sadly, you are jumping to conclusions again. I did not go out of my way. In fact, I did not even mention his appearance until he asked me what I thought. For him to bring it up, he is obviously trying to illicit a response. He is trying to look like the Columbine killers. He said he believes in God, but it is "his" life. First, as a true believer in Christ you know your life is no longer your own. It was bought at a great price. Also, you do not act or dress in a way to cause distress to others. I ask you Josh, how would it make you feel if someone were to execute your child and then people started to emulate the killers? Even if that would not bother you, scripture tells us not to dress or act in a way that celebrates evil, even if that is not what we intend it to do.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-23 (King James Version)
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Next you write that you question my knowledge of the bands I now condemn. Well Josh, I know more about them than you know. I worked for several years as a DJ. I have been to over 100 concerts. I have been on the other side of the fence. I have witnessed the violence at parties and concerts and have sadly participated. I do not need to get my knowledge of these bands from a "Christian" website.
You then say you believe that you can be a person of faith and a fan of heavy metal. I must disagree with you Josh. To truly have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you would cause you to grieve at the foul language, glorification of promiscuity, mockery of Christ, etc...
We are to be good stewards of our time and resources. You can't walk with one foot on the narrow path and one on the wide. It doesn't work like that. The type of music you listen to is your actions. Going to concerts, laying down the money that God has blessed you with to purchase heavy metal does take action. Music does define you. To say the contrary simply is to be willingly blind.
You ask, "Why is it my place to impose my views on them?" I find it strange that it is always the Christian that is imposing their views. Of course, they started cramming the heavy metal down our throats. They were telling us and others how "sweet" it was. All I did was offer an alternative opinion. According to you,Christians are to cower in our little churches and keep our mouths shut. The world can scream foul language, post soft-core porn on magazine covers at the check-out counter and we are to keep quiet. Forget about the Great Commission, we don't want to impose the message of salvation.
You then write, "The beauty of living in this country is that we are all free to read, watch, listen to, or say whatever we want. What gives you the right to decide what is best for others?" I agree with you. I am curious though as to why that applies to everyone but Christians? Why can we not say whatever we want? Why do you impose your views on us? As for your last comment, he is not a pleasant person. He is foul mouthed, disrespectful, and in trouble at school. He went from being an Honor Student to struggling to graduate. I ask you Josh, is it more loving to pretend like everything is okay or is it more loving to address the situation before it is too late.
Every time there has been a school shooting, the public wonders, "Why did no one see the warning signs". However, when we do try to intervene when the signs are there, we are condemned by people like you. Here is some homework for you Josh, see what was the music of choice of every school shooter. I am not saying that the music is the main cause, but we cannot ignore the link. I look forward to continuing dialogue with you. I appreciate your time in responding to my post.
God Bless!!


Monica said...

You make many great points. I am amazed at how committed you are to standing for righteousness. Thank you for this!

Joshua Ritchie said...

Said with passion!

By the way, I'm not the Josh referred to in your post. Just wanted to make that clear. =) I don't like Metallica.

Humble_Servant said...

I know it was not you. The name may be the same. However, the ideology is not.