
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Waste Not, Want Not

In my post entitled, "What A Waste", I hit on the fact that many Christians do not take advantage of this awesome tool called the internet. We blog about our cats, dogs, coffee, just about anything but what really matters. We do not realize that the person that stumbled onto our Blog might be at the end of his/her rope. It may be someone across the street or half a world away. Make no mistake about it. Man may take the credit for the internet, and we sure have messed it up, but God created it. Man can create nothing without Him. We think we are so clever, but without the mind our Creator blessed us with, just how clever would we be?
Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that we must not let the evil that runs rampant throughout the internet win. We must shine our light into the darkness. So, to make a long blog short, please check this out:
However, that is just a start. I believe we can, and should make everyday Internet Evangelism Day!


Kristen said...

Interesting! I'll have to check out the details.

I want every day to be Internet Evangelism Day. ;-)

Monica said...

Praise God that there are men and women who dedicate their resources including the internet to spreading the Gospel! Hopefully more Christians will join in the evangelism taking place on the web!

Gamesplorer said...

I have some additional information on IED on my blogy pulpit blog. Cheers!