
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Not Again

Sadly, there was another shooting today. That makes two in as many weeks. We not only have foreign terrorists, we have them living among us. What we don't hear about are the many planned school shootings that have been stopped by someone taking that bold step to speak the truth in love. Both of the recent school shooters were dressed all in black, a common theme. I fear we will soon find out that they also share something in common with prior school shooters, Heavy Metal Music. Please take a minute to read about these shootings Here and by Clicking Here

Also, you may be interested in a series that Plugged In (Focus on the Family) is currently running. You can read it Here

When we see our children involved in the Heavy Metal world they are giving us a loud cry for help. We need to answer that plead before they get the answer from Slipknot or Slayer.

Will all kids that listen to Death Metal kill or commit suicide? Of course not. But can we take the chance? It is an old cliche, but What Would Jesus Do? Please be in prayer for the victims of todays shooting.

I welcome any discussion or comments.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just Testing


This is a test post. I have tried to post, but my attempts have been futile. If this doesn't work, you'll never know this post ever existed. If it does work, great.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Why, why did it take so long for help to go to those devastated by hurricane Katrina? Why did the National Guard not help people evacuate before she hit? Why does our "Christian" President call what happened an act of Mother Nature? Why did he wait 4 days after Katrina hit to tour the destruction and start sending help? Would the response have been so slow if it would have happened in his brother's state of Florida or in his own state of Texas? Why was he playing golf instead of evacuating people that had no way of getting out?
I have long been a supporter of President Bush, but lately I am seeing things that make me concerned. I will have more to say on this later.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Desire Heaven or Despise Hell?

As I drove into work today the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. He awoke me to the fact that not all that claim to be Christian do so because they desire to be with their Heavenly Father for all eternity. No, if this were so they would want to spend as much time as possible with Him during their time here. They would not regulate time with Him to an hour or two a week, it that. They would want to get into His Word everyday. They would not put aside the things of God until they have a problem or need. He would be number 1. But sadly, this is not what we see. We see those that claim they want to go to Heaven spend almost no time with their Father. They may like to be entertained by Christianity, but that's as far as it goes. They boasts that they have all the hottest Christian music group's videos and CD's. They love to laugh at the funny Christian comedian. They search out the church with the best music and theatrical productions. But when it comes to really knowing their Savior, that is just for fanatics. The Bible is old and boring. Sure, it may have been relevant two or three thousand years ago, but this is the 21st Century.
Do the majority of those that take upon themselves the name of Christian really want to be with Christ for all eternity. I fear the answer to that is clear. We study and research where we will spend a few days for vacation. We learn about all the attractions. We learn the history. We plan and save and think about it for months. But when it comes to where we will spend eternity, most of us barely give it a second thought.
Do most that say they want to go to Heaven really want that? Once again, the answer is painfully clear. Most "Christians" do not desire an eternity with their Creator. They just don't like the alternative. I pray we all search our hearts and see where we stand. Do you Desire Heaven, or is it just Hell that you despise?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Response To Josh

This is my response to Josh who left comments on my post. I will attempt to answer all his thoughts point-by-point.I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond, but I just viewed your comments yesterday.
I am glad that you share my faith Josh. We can debate issues as brothers in Christ. You claim that I stated that I am not judging my family. Where did I claim that? In fact, we are commanded in scripture to judge.
1 Corinthians 6:2-3 (New International Version)
2Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!
Next you point out that I am one-sided and that I am posting for all to see. Well, I am sorry, but a BLOG is one-sided. That is the nature of a BLOG. As for all to see, I never mentioned any names. Not even my name is posted. There is no way anyone will know who I am speaking of. I am not even attacking them to people I know. You miss the point. I believe you need to take it up with those involved, not gossip behind their backs. However, that is precisely what they are doing to my wife and myself.
Now, you say that I went out of my way to point out my nephews appearance. Sadly, you are jumping to conclusions again. I did not go out of my way. In fact, I did not even mention his appearance until he asked me what I thought. For him to bring it up, he is obviously trying to illicit a response. He is trying to look like the Columbine killers. He said he believes in God, but it is "his" life. First, as a true believer in Christ you know your life is no longer your own. It was bought at a great price. Also, you do not act or dress in a way to cause distress to others. I ask you Josh, how would it make you feel if someone were to execute your child and then people started to emulate the killers? Even if that would not bother you, scripture tells us not to dress or act in a way that celebrates evil, even if that is not what we intend it to do.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-23 (King James Version)
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Next you write that you question my knowledge of the bands I now condemn. Well Josh, I know more about them than you know. I worked for several years as a DJ. I have been to over 100 concerts. I have been on the other side of the fence. I have witnessed the violence at parties and concerts and have sadly participated. I do not need to get my knowledge of these bands from a "Christian" website.
You then say you believe that you can be a person of faith and a fan of heavy metal. I must disagree with you Josh. To truly have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you would cause you to grieve at the foul language, glorification of promiscuity, mockery of Christ, etc...
We are to be good stewards of our time and resources. You can't walk with one foot on the narrow path and one on the wide. It doesn't work like that. The type of music you listen to is your actions. Going to concerts, laying down the money that God has blessed you with to purchase heavy metal does take action. Music does define you. To say the contrary simply is to be willingly blind.
You ask, "Why is it my place to impose my views on them?" I find it strange that it is always the Christian that is imposing their views. Of course, they started cramming the heavy metal down our throats. They were telling us and others how "sweet" it was. All I did was offer an alternative opinion. According to you,Christians are to cower in our little churches and keep our mouths shut. The world can scream foul language, post soft-core porn on magazine covers at the check-out counter and we are to keep quiet. Forget about the Great Commission, we don't want to impose the message of salvation.
You then write, "The beauty of living in this country is that we are all free to read, watch, listen to, or say whatever we want. What gives you the right to decide what is best for others?" I agree with you. I am curious though as to why that applies to everyone but Christians? Why can we not say whatever we want? Why do you impose your views on us? As for your last comment, he is not a pleasant person. He is foul mouthed, disrespectful, and in trouble at school. He went from being an Honor Student to struggling to graduate. I ask you Josh, is it more loving to pretend like everything is okay or is it more loving to address the situation before it is too late.
Every time there has been a school shooting, the public wonders, "Why did no one see the warning signs". However, when we do try to intervene when the signs are there, we are condemned by people like you. Here is some homework for you Josh, see what was the music of choice of every school shooter. I am not saying that the music is the main cause, but we cannot ignore the link. I look forward to continuing dialogue with you. I appreciate your time in responding to my post.
God Bless!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Thank You

I am sitting here in between quoting families for Life & Health Insurance. I am thinking about how blessed I am, far more than I deserve. I have the most beautiful, wonderful wife and my two children are beyond description. I feel bad because I know that in the pressures of everyday life I often take them for granted. I pray that the Holy Spirit gives me wisdom and guidance in how I live in relation to them. I never, ever want to forget that they are all gifts from my Heavenly Father. I know I need to raise my children to love Jesus and to make Him the Lord of their lives. Nothing else matters in the view of eternity.
Thank you for letting me take a few minutes to share my thoughts.
God Bless!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Slipknot & Prager

Okay, I heard an awful display of ignorance this morning on the Dennis Prager Show. Mr. Prager is a Jewish man that has a national radio show. He is sympathetic to the Christian faith, and at times appears ready to become a Messianic Believer. However, on his show this morning he was touting a Heavy Metal group that his son loves. Mr. Prager sees nothing harmful with allowing his son to listen to Slipknot. Mr. Prager even declared that when teenagers listen to Classical music it makes them aggressive, but Heavy Metal has a calming effect on them. What?! Of course, he had nothing to back up this ignorant statement. Please email Mr. Prager and voice your opinion on this issue. I suggest he do a show and invite someone knowledgeable on this issue. A couple of ideas would be Pastor Joe Schimmel
or Eric Holmberg
Your can contact Dennis Prager @
God Bless!